Der Freundeskreis Theater für oberhausen e.V.
Are you an enthusiastic theatregoer and would like to do more than simply attend productions? Then Freundeskreis Theater für Oberhausen e.V. is just for you. Since its establishment in 1992, our friends of the theatre supporting association has made it its aim to bring together people who want to share their love of the theatre with others. Freundeskreis bestows the Oberhausen Theatre Prize, which has been awarded by a jury of critics for outstanding artistic achievements at Theater Oberhausen every year since 1995 (with the exception of the 2020/21 and 2021/22 performance seasons on account of the pandemic). The theatre audience also gets a say and votes for its favourite actors each performance season, with prize money from companies based in Oberhausen.
Freundeskreis members meet regularly with the people in our ensembles and teams and can experience the backstage goings-on with theatre and technology tours. They also get exclusive opportunities to attend rehearsals and are given insights into the creative processes involved in bringing a production to life, from the stage model to the finished set.
The minimum annual contribution is €25, €10 for students, and €50 for businesses and institutions.
Membership fees and donations are tax-deductible. Membership forms can be obtained from the Theater Oberhausen box office or downloaded here.
The theatre is a vital and vibrant place of public discourse, especially at times of political and social change. After more than two years of a pandemic, theatres are finding it incredibly challenging to maintain their role in society right now. Given the current situation and with audience numbers still down, it is incumbent upon us that we stand up for the preservation of our theatre. The greater our numbers, the louder our voice will be. As a Theater Oberhausen ambassador, your ideas and resources will help our theatre to cement its position in our city and the region. Your involvement matters!
Best regards,
Freundeskreis Theater für Oberhausen e.V.