Offers for educators

Liebe Pädagog:innen,

Dear educators,

We would be delighted to welcome you to our theatre or to visit your daycare/school for our productions and more:

Welcome evening – Over snacks and drinks at our welcome evening, we’ll present you with our programme for the 2024/25 performance season along with our educational offerings. Afterwards, you’ll get to attend a dress rehearsal of Much Ado About Nothing, which is suitable for upper school pupils. We look forward to meeting you!
02/10/2024, 5 to 7 pm, bar, 7 pm dress rehearsal in our Grosses Haus. Please register for this event by 25 September 2024.

Theatre newsletter – Our monthly theatre newsletter keeps you up to date on our latest offerings and events for daycares and schools. If you’ve not subscribed yet, get in touch and we’ll add you!

Theatre Now! – Sign up with your daycare or school as a partner of our Theatre Now! cooperation agreement, which aims to make regular theatregoing and cultural education routine. We’ll come to you for a planning meeting to agree a suitable cooperation with your establishment. The Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium, the Brückenkindergarten of ZIB Bildungsoffensive, Elsa-Brändström-Gymnasium, Fasia-Jansen-Gesamtschule, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium, Gesamtschule Osterfeld, Gesamtschule Weierheide, Familienzentrum Lirich, Hans-Sachs-Berufskolleg, Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium, Kita Almastraße and Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium have already partnered with us. Perhaps your daycare or school might soon feature amongst these names?

Premiere class – Have your course or class sponsor one of our productions! As the target audience and intended demographic, the young people then act as a team of experts, giving us insights into how they feel about the production during the rehearsal process. Your group will speak directly with the artists so that their opinions are incorporated into the production and will be able to see their ideas reflected in the premiere showing or a subsequent performance.
We would be delighted to have a premiere or sponsor class in place for the following productions:

4 years of age – 2nd grade: Swimmy
Premiere: 19/10/2024

5th – 8th grade: Schmetterball (Smash)
Premiere: 17/05/2024

9th grade and higher: UTOPIA, Masel Tov Cocktail, Koller
10th grade and higher: Milch und Kohle, Viel Lärm um nichts, Kazimira, PREACH, Bruder Eichmann/Geschwister Eichmann (Milk and Coal, Much Ado About Nothing, Kazimira, PREACH, Brother Eichmann/Siblings Eichmann)


Backstage tour — On our tour showcasing the inner workings of our theatre, the children and young people in your care will learn about how we work and the many different professions in the theatre.

Introductory and follow-up sessions — in our introductory sessions, we look at the themes of the productions through play or theory. In the follow-ups, we offer post-show talks with actors or put on interactive activities. Both can be conducted immediately before and after the performance in the theatre or at your establishment. For certain productions, we offer a folder with materials, information and educational offerings that you can use for preparatory and follow-up work.

School Theatre Days – From 24 to 26 June 2025, Theater Oberhausen will again host the annual School Theatre Days festival. This will feature selected productions by drama clubs, ‘Show and Creation’ and literature courses for 8th grade and higher as well as youth theatre groups. Workshops and performance talks, a group meal and a farewell party are established elements of this long-standing and popular festival. We would be pleased to advise and support you during your rehearsal period.
€20 participation fees, please register by 31 March 2025.

Costs — There is no additional charge for tours and the introductory or follow-up sessions in connection with a paid theatre visit. There is a fee for the educational offerings, School Theatre Days and theatre visits: €6 per child/student or, with a class subscription, €5.50 per child/student for at least two theatre visits during the performance season.

Klassenkasse — Klassenkasse covers the costs of theatre visits for children and young people whose parents cannot afford these. This ensures that all daycare and school students can visit the theatre together with their group, class or course. The project has been initiated by Freundeskreis des Theaters Oberhausen and Rotary Club Oberhausen Antony-Hütte.

Any questions? — You’ll find more details and dates on our website after the summer holidays. Once the performance season is underway, we’re always delighted to receive your suggestions and enquiries.

For more information and to register for any of our offerings, please contact Anke Weingarte at

Stückempfehlungen für junges Publikum

Under this link we have put together various recommendations for young audiences, day-care centres and schools.