South East Revisited Festival

Nach NEW STAGES SOUTH EAST blicken wir wieder nach Südosteuropa und präsentieren internationale Gastspiele aus Bulgarien, Griechenland und unserer Partnerstadt Saporischschja in der Ukraine, neue Texte von Nachwuchsautor:innen, Werkstattsinszenierungen, Konzerte, Disco & Diskurs.

Wie bedingt die Vergangenheit unsere europäische Zukunft? Das SOUTH EAST REVISITED FESTIVAL rückt neue künstlerische Perspektiven in den Fokus, befragt die Gegenwart und richtet den Blick zurück ins Morgen.

Open Call for texts

Theater Oberhausen invites authors who are living and / or working in the region of South Eastern Europe to send in new contemporary theatre texts.

At Theater Oberhausen we put a strong emphasis on international contemporary theatre texts. In the framework of SOUTH EAST REVISITED Festival – taking place 3rd – 6th of April 2025 at Theater Oberhausen – at least three new theatre texts will be presented in scenic readings to put a spotlight on emerging South Eastern European authors and their works.

We are looking for fresh contemporary theatre texts which are exploring new dramaturgies, new formats and new perspectives – however there is no restriction to the topic of the texts. Following a jury procedure at Theater Oberhausen at least three texts will be chosen to be presented at SOUTH EAST REVISITED FESTIVAL. The three chosen authors will be invited to Oberhausen / Ruhr area for an interdisciplinary masterclass from the 29th of March to the 6th of April to connect with fellow emerging artists as well as institutions from contemporary theatre, and dive into the theatre landscape of the Ruhr area. Additionally, Theater Oberhausen offers the prospective of a full staging of one of the texts in the following seasons repertoires.

  • TEXTS can either be newly finished full-length works that have not been fully staged yet OR sketches of a dramatic text that you are working on right now consisting of at least the first 20 pages. They need to be sent in in the original language and a (rough) English translation.
    Please submit both version as PDF documents.
  • EMERGING AUTHORS who are living and / or working in the region of South Eastern Europe are invited to send in their texts. Please submit your texts in the original language as well as the (rough) English translation to until 28th of February! PDF-format only.